Lately I've turned into a Netflix whore. TV series binging is now my thing.
Breaking Bad - brilliant if anything you could just watch the programme on mute. - amazing cinematography. I've never routed for a meth drug dealer more! Although, he did start turning into an arse-wipe as it went on.
Dexter - think this has been my favourite. I just fell in love with the man and sometimes thought when in a bad situation - 'what would Dexter do?'. (this is what i mean by binging - too much at once - obsessed.) Like in Breaking Bad, I've never been more in-love with a serial killer. Unlike Breaking Bad, Dexter never turned into an arse-wipe except when he turned Deb's machine off. I don't blame him though, I blame the writers. Deb should never of died, ever! She should have been the one going away with Harrison. Don't worry i understand the reasons behind why they killed off Deb but it will take some time OK.... Anyway, yes love Dexter, Dirty-mouth Deb and the beauty of blood in this.
Orange is the New Black - !!!!!!!! That's all.. Amazing series which is another example of 'why aren't you aired in the UK' television. When I first watched it, all I saw was sex. But as the storyline's progressed it got sooooo good! You so knew she was going to cheat with her Ex right? The crazy lady just makes the series when she's trying to save people. I had to watch it twice cause there just wasn't enough episodes. The next series needs to happen now.
Life Unexpected - A more light hearted one, but one i enjoyed. She's like the escaped American Tracey Beaker. I loved the ending of season two. Cute and UNEXPECTED ;)
Prison Break - I bow to you Mr Michael Scofield. It's a feel good one I think. He's a bit like Dexter, excusing a few major times, he never gets caught. It's like the Matilda moment when you think Miss Truchball is going to catch Matilda in the kitchen but then O WAIT JUST ONE SECOND, she's gone.... Oh there she is under the table. I wonder how many kids tried that after watching it. Anyway, Michael has learnt from Matilda well, very well. My favourite series are 2 and 4 though, when they are on the run. I didn't really get into series 3, just didn't take my fancy. Urmm hang on though, THE ENDING??!!??!!?! WHAT THE HELL! I didn't see that one coming, like really someone should have warned me cause I balled my eyes out haha. I like how they structured the last two episodes though, with it being a complete shock then them going back and explaining it all.
DOCTOR WHO - I never watched it before and called every doctor who fan a geek... I'm now a geek. I love it. David Tennent has got to be the best doctor though. Loved Martha Jones and Loved Donna Noble even more. I mean it's Catherine Tate! The writers must be on something to think up all the worlds that they do. I say carry on taking whatever it is that makes this programme so good.
The Office and Derek - I've seen Derek before but watched it again because it's hilarious but cute as the same time. I've decided Ricky Gervais is no longer what i thought was annoying. He is a comedy Genius!
Arrested Development - I started watching it cause I hear people talk of it a lot and Portia De-Rossi is in it. watching it i can see the original modern family setup and structure. I've only just started it but I'm getting into it. The narration is brilliant.